Featured Clue
23-down: Object of Edwin Starr’s question, “what is it good for?”

Featured Clue
23-down: Object of Edwin Starr’s question, “what is it good for?”
Featured Clue
7-down: Common uses for green screens
Featured Clue
20-across: Paul who designed guitars
Featured Clue
27-across: Penn Stater
Featured Clue
32-across: Last circle of Hell, according to Dante
Featured Clue
16-across: Home of Mozart’s barber, to a Spaniard
Featured Clue
15-across: Home of La Sagrada Familia
Featured Clue
15-across: Brand claiming “You can Lower Your Cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks”
Featured Clue
30-across: Busy vehicle for a flower shop on Valentine’s Day
Featured Clue
4-down: Latin word for “I”