Featured Clue
1-down: Series installation whose subtitle is The Phantom Menace

Featured Clue
1-down: Series installation whose subtitle is The Phantom Menace
Featured Clue
33-down: Alanis Morissette song with the lyric “It’s like rain on your wedding day”
Featured Clue
18-across: Arthur of The Golden Girls
Featured Clue
18-across: Netflix movie about Sherlock’s sister
Featured Clue
21-down: Person responsible for pain in childbirth, so it’s said
Featured Clue
8-across: Lions and tigers and bears, for example
Featured Clue
11-down: Where to find MA and PA
Featured Clue
26-across: Cliffs home to O’Brien’s Tower
Featured Clue
13-across: Cartoon who suffers from extreme near-sightedness, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem
Featured Clue
9-down: _____ Jawbone, the supposed first murder weapon