Featured Clue
10-down: First half of the letters given to you in the Wheel of Fortune bonus round

Featured Clue
10-down: First half of the letters given to you in the Wheel of Fortune bonus round
Featured Clue
44-down: Jamaica ___ Sun Princess, funny file name from The Office
Featured Clue
7-down: One of over 12 million purchased during the pandemic in the US
Featured Clue
2-down: Garten, who recently feuded with Martha Stewart about pandemic drinking habits
Featured Clue
Featured clue | 1-down: “‘Father of the National Parks’ John”
Featured Clue
Featured clue | 17-across: “‘A to __’, vitamin slogan”
Featured Clue
10-down: “‘Dante’s __’, 1997 American disaster thriller film”
Featured Clue
33-across: “Snape and Dumbledore, for example”
Featured Clue
5-down: “‘Only you can prevent forest fires’, e.g.”
Featured Clue
13-across: “Showoff ending in Connect Four”