Featured Clue
34-across: Item that “really tied the room together” in The Big Lebowski

Featured Clue
34-across: Item that “really tied the room together” in The Big Lebowski
Featured Clue
6-down: President for whom Liberia’s capital is named
Featured Clue
29-down: Band behind “Time to Pretend” off Oracular Spectacular
Featured Clue
13-across: “Go, Pack, Go” yellers, familiarly
Featured Clue
36-across: Where Notorious B.I.G. is going back to
Featured Clue
2-down: Shiba ___, Dogecoin logo
Featured Clue
8-down: Show that features menu items such as “The Cauliflower’s Cumin From Inside the House” and “Paranormal Pepper Jack-tivity”
Featured Clue
18-across: Arthur of The Golden Girls
Featured Clue
8-across: Lions and tigers and bears, for example
Featured Clue
13-across: Cartoon who suffers from extreme near-sightedness, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem