Featured Clue
10-down: Data about data, or a big data company

Featured Clue
10-down: Data about data, or a big data company
Featured Clue
44-down: Jamaica ___ Sun Princess, funny file name from The Office
Featured Clue
Featured clue | 17-across: “‘A to __’, vitamin slogan”
Featured Clue
13-across: “Showoff ending in Connect Four”
Featured Clue
51-down: “Rapper with the album ‘2014 Forest Hills Drive'”
Featured Clue
2-down: “‘I ____ you’, Pixar lyric between two volcanoes”
Featured Clue
24-across: “Friend that Gary kicks off the team in Remember the Titans”
Featured Clue
11-down: “Game of which Lord Licorice is the villain”
15×15 puzzle
Featured Clue
16-across: “”Who ___ you? Who, who, who, who?” – The Who”
15×15 puzzle
Featured Clue
18-down: “Van Morrison syllable”
15×15 puzzle